Poetas de la Gran Guerra: Edmund Blunden

Nuestros lectores podrán leer la versión traducida al español por Rolando Costa Picazo en la sección Traductores de la edición papel del número 9 de La balandra.


Two voices

‘There’s something in the air,’ he said
In the farm parlour cool and bare;
Plain words, which in his hearers bred
A tumult, yet in silence there
All waited; wryly gay, he left the phrase,
Ordered the march, and bade us go our ways.

‘We’re going South, man’; as he spoke
The howitzer with huge ping-bang
Racked the light hut; as thus he broke
The death-news, bright the skylarks sang;
He took his riding-crop and humming went
Among the apple-trees all bloom and scent.

Now far withdraws the roaring night
Which wrecked our flower after the first
Of those two voices; misty light
Shrouds Thiepval Wood and all its worst;
But still ‘There’s something in the air’ I hear,
And still ‘We’re going South, man,’ deadly near.


(Poema perteneciente al libro Tierra de nadie: los poetas ingleses de la Gran Guerra, que será publicado en Buenos Aires por el sello Miño y Dávila, en el próximo mes de noviembre, con traducciones de Rolando Costa Picazo).